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A guide to dental hygiene for kids

It’s true that oral care starts even before your baby’s first tooth comes through. But do you know the importance of establishing an oral care routine for your child as they develop? And most importantly how do you get them to stick to it?


It’s true that oral care starts even before your baby’s first tooth comes through. But do you know the importance of establishing an oral care routine for your child as they develop? And most importantly how do you get them to stick to it?

Keeping your child’s gums clean and healthy is key. When babies’ teeth break through (usually around 6 months!) you should have already established a good oral care routine. Healthy teeth are formed from healthy gums, after all.

But how and when exactly do we start this routine? And how do we teach our children the tools to look after those pristine pearly whites throughout childhood?

Let’s take a look at how to look after your child’s teeth as they grow…

Oral care for infants – Start as you mean to go on!

Babies’ teeth are there from birth…they are just hiding under their gums. So it’s vital that oral care starts before the teeth make their way onto the scene.

Getting your baby accustomed to the dentist from an early age, is important for their oral care development. Annual dental visits from an early age can help get your child used to seeing the dentist. This makes visiting the dentist a much more relaxing (and less scary) experience for you and your child as they grow up.

Top tip: Schedule your baby’s first dental visit before their 1st birthday!

This allows the dentist to track the development of your child’s teeth. That way they can monitor for decay or cavities from an early age and track the progress of their teeth as they grow. They’ll also give you tips for brushing and ways to make oral hygiene more fun!

Establishing an oral hygiene routine for children

It’s important to take care of your child’s first set of teeth even though they will eventually lose them. Good oral health is vital to avoid infection and to guide the permanent teeth into the right place.

A fun daily oral routine is key at a young age. At around three years old, your child will be ready to brush without your help. Developing good habits, even though they may not understand the importance of oral hygiene yet, will help them as they grow.

Establish a good oral hygiene routine with your child and they’ll set up for life! Start with a smaller toothbrush that fits easily into their mouth and a pea-size amount of toothpaste. There are lots of great brands for kids!

Top tip: Lead by Example!

As you probably know by now, children mimic what their parents do! This even comes down to how you brush your teeth… and how often. Try and establish a routine for morning and nightly brushing. And make it look fun while you do it! When they see you do it – they’ll want to do it too!

Dental care for pre-teens

By now, your child should have an established routine in place and they understand the importance of a healthy smile for looking and feeling good. But it’s not just about brushing and flossing, a balanced diet can also help avoid future dental problems and the likelihood of gum disease. And be sure to stress the importance of brushing in the morning, evening and after meals. Routine is the basis for all healthy habits that will grow with them into the future.

Top tip: Keep an eye on their sugar intake!

Carbonated drinks accelerate tooth decay. Try to limit your child’s daily sugar intake to avoid any unnecessary problems with their teeth.

At Primary Dental we focus on giving your child a positive experience from their very first visit. Together we can shape the future of your child’s oral health. Our compassionate dentists create a supportive and fun environment for your little ones, to help build and maintain a positive association with dental care throughout their lifetime.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Find your nearest practice here.

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